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Cohesity Team
Please scroll to view the varied reward options you can fill your basket with.

Terms & Conditions:
By accepting the e-gift card and redeeming provider services and/or merchandise, you agree to the following terms & conditions:
Provided e-gift card is non-transferable, non-refundable and holds no cash value.
Cohesity Events by M, Ltd and your chosen e-gift card provider assume no responsibility and are not liable for the following but not limited to:
Food preparation and does not verify their compliance with all applicable laws.
Misrepresentation of menu description and/or merchandise.
Quality of food and/or merchandise.
Shipping errors, delivery delays and/or damaged merchandise.
Any incident while under the influence of alcohol including but not limited to unlawful behavior, accident, illness and/or death.
You acknowledge that you will comply with your chosen e-gift card provider agreement and all applicable laws, rules and regulations in connection with your use of the provider’s services, including, without limitation, laws regarding online conduct and your conduct (as defined below); not to access the food delivery service using a third party's account/registration without the express consent of the Account holder and not to attempt to impersonate another user or person; not to copy, publish, or redistribute any coupon or discount code or act in bad faith in an attempt to manipulate or gain an unintended commercial benefit from incentive offers; not to harass, annoy, intimidate, or threaten any provider’s service employees, contractors, or agents engaged in providing any portion of the services.
The risk of loss and title for e-gift passes to the recipient upon electronic transmission and recipient is responsible for safeguarding e-gift from unauthorized use.
Should you redeem your chosen e-gift card for alcoholic beverage(s), you represent and warrant that you are at least 21 years of age. Upon delivery or pickup, as applicable, you shall present a government-issued identification card, evidencing your age, consistent with applicable legal requirements. You also agree that delivery of the alcoholic beverages may be withheld if you appear or the recipient of the delivery appears intoxicated when receiving delivery of such products. If you do not comply with these terms, you agree that the alcoholic beverage(s) will not be released to you, and you may forfeit the cost of such beverages. You further agree to not distribute alcoholic beverages to any persons under the age of 21 years of age nor partake in any illegal activities while under the influence of alcoholic beverage(s).
You agree to comply with the above conduct requirements and agree not to assist or permit any person in engaging in any conduct that does not comply with the above conduct. You are accepting the e-gift card of your own free will.
Acceptance of the e-gift card is not mandatory. You agree to release Cohesity Events by M, Ltd and your chosen e-gift card provider of any responsibility and/or liability of any occurrence as a result of the acceptance of the e-gift card and the associated services and interaction with personnel from e-gift provider and/or their delivery service and their associates, by consumption of food and beverage, not limited to food poisoning, illness, injury and or death.
By selecting the "I accept Register Now" button, you are signing this agreement electronically.
You are stating you have read and understood the terms stated above.
You agree your electronic signature is the legal equivalent of your manual signature on this agreement.
I acknowledge I was provided this link directly from the Cohesity or Events by M Team
I will not share/forward/distribute this link to any coworkers.